Here’s a little bit about the trip to Seattle. First off, the weather was wonderful, highs reached about 70 degrees and lows at night down to 55 degrees. No rain the whole time we were there. I ate too much.

The Vacation Rental By Owner apartment Marcee and John were renting was sweet. It sat up on a hill with a great view of Lake Washington. We walked each day on a flat trail around the lake but the walk included climbing up “The Hill” on the way back. I walked about 12,000 steps each day. The Hill was steep and long enough that this older man had to stop and catch his breath three times to get home. You will see in the photo two orange cones marking holes in the road. I used them as rest stops on the way up.

The walks along the lake were breathtaking for me. The area has such different and diverse plants than we have here in Colorado. The plants and density of them always amaze me. I experienced that when living in Ohio. I was always way behind everyone else because I had to stop so many times.

They had a small propane fire pit on the patio which did provide some warmth if the wind was not blowing. I actually thought it would be nice on my patio but we cannot have grills due to insurance issues.

I decided to only take the Fujifilm X-T3 and the XF35mm f2.0 lens. I was going for family time and did not want the extra weight and bother. It would also have distracted me from family time. So, this image is a major crop. Still not bad. I began to get more comfortable with the camera, its responsiveness and handling. The 30% increase in size and weight are no longer an issue.

I really enjoyed the time with Marcee and John and Sheree. I was also able to see a nephew and niece I’d not seen in about 16 years. It was so. good to see them and their families. The trip was worth. Have a few more days of self-quarantine to where I will feel comfortable around others. But, it is good to be home, even though it’s hot.
Sounds and looks like a very nice trip, Monte. I’m happy you got to do it and thanks for sharing a little of it with us. Take care!
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Earl! I’m glad I went but those few days prior found me a bit uneasy due to the virus.
Glad to know you had such a good time Monte. Seeing nieces and nephews for the first time in 16 years must have been quite something.
Stay safe and stay well mate.
Monte Stevens
Yes, it was a good time. Hope you stay safe and well, also!~
Tom Dills
The great thing about carrying a camera around is that it gives plenty of excuses for stopping on those hills! The temperatures sound wonderful – we’re not even seeing lows of 70. Even in Wisconsin where we visited a week ago they’re forecasting temps >100 for this weekend.
Time with family in a beautiful location with good weather sounds just about perfect!
Monte Stevens
The trip was wonderful and just what I needed for a change. It was also a good opportunity to carry around the new camera. Loved the temperatures, for sure.