Nature has a kicka$$ color palate. The warm soft colors it presents can warm me on the inside. And, at least for me, nature can create patterns that take the breath away. And, it all changes on a constant basis. Nature lets me know I’m alive and well. I could not hear thunder but flashes of lightening let me know the power within nature.
In the first image I’m standing in the “busy” road looking east and in the second image I’m standing in the road looking west. The roads are about 3 miles apart with the first image taken about 1 hour later than the second image after the sun had set.

When my grandchildren were younger I would take them to the Environmental Learning Center and walk the trails. Devin, my youngest, would sometimes give a summary of what critters we encountered. As I drove home after taking images, I started to count what I had seen: antelope, red-tailed hawk, a couple of great horned owls, several cottontails, jack rabbits, meadowlarks, red-winged blackbirds, yellow-headed blackbirds and of course the ever popular mosquitos.
The colors in the first image is wonderful and like the clouds in the second. A good shoot day for you I think.
Monte Stevens
Yes, it was a good evening for photography and my soul.
What an impressive bank of clouds in that second one, Monte. I imagine that it was a great evening out, even with those mosquitoes. However, I’ll bet that a lot of those birds appreciate the mosquitoes, as do bats, spiders, and all manner of insect and animals that eat them … for which I am grateful that they exist!
Monte Stevens
I’m pretty sure that’s why the birds were so excited and singing. I enjoy these times!