“… the very fact that anything exists is supernatural—literally beyond the rules of the natural world… the true miracle is existence itself.”
A cold Sunday morning. The numbers on my car dashboard said it was 14 degrees at about 6:47 am. I’m back home after getting my chai latte fix and my beautiful barista fix. This day is starting out good. Now to clean my lens.
I do not consider myself a philosopher. However, I do have a tendency to lean towards asking a philosophical question once in a while. For example, there have been those moments in my life when I am overwhelmed with the of beauty and existence of the world around me, all of it, and questions arise. Why am I here? Why are we all here? How can that bird sing like that? Why can’t I see the wind and not just the effects of the wind? Why do I breathe without even knowing why or thinking about it? Maybe that philosopher within me is what enjoys finding and asking the questions but not necessarily wanting an answer. Or, maybe the deepest and more important question is to ask myself to look for all the miracles around me, notice them, stand in awe of them, find gratitude in them. They do exist! Anyway, it is a miracle that we are all here, that we exist! If you got something from my confusing ramblings, great. If not then forget what you just read and have a wonderful Sunday!
I’ll not forget what I read. Sometimes “we are” is enough, even if we can explain everything. I hope your Sunday is fulfilling. Oh, and Monte, you are certainly a photographer.
Monte Stevens
Thanks, my friend. Glad you read my post and for the comment. Much appreciated. As a matter of fact, I have had a good Sunday and it ain’t over yet. Weather man says we could see more snow through the night. I’m okay with that when it becomes a good moisture and melts quickly.