This is my sisters TWSBI Classic with a fine nib. She is courageous enought to allow me to use and abuse it for a short period of time. So far I like the feel of it and I like the fine nib. It is very close in line size to my Pilot medium nibs. We have Waterman Serenity blue ink in it for now and that seems to work well with the pen.
Tom Dills
Definitely a nice looking pen. Like your camera, I have an appreciation for how you use it.
Monte Stevens
Thank you, Tom!
There’s something special about a good pen and also a good watch. Some personal bond that forms. I’m sure there’s other things which fall into that category…I’ll have to think about it.
Monte Stevens
I agree, Brooks. I presently have have eight fountain pens. I only use four of them, alternating them in my journal and the letters I now write. I’ve used this pen now for a couple of days and find I much prefer my medium nibs with my Pilot pens. This fine nib is scratchy to me, which some people like. Yes, both my sister and I are attached to our pens. We have our favorites which could be how they feel in our hands, how they write, the color and style. So, very true of our cameras, lens, shoes or fly rod or whatever. Hope you’ve enjoyed the weekend.
Hmmm, I can’t say that I have ever tried a fountain pen!
Monte Stevens
They are not for everyone but then again not many people write anymore. I like how they look on the page. A good nib, ink and paper can be artistic. I use a medium nib so most of my lines have a shading I just love. They require maintenance, basically a cleaning every so often, where a roller pen only asks you not loserve them and buy a new refill every once in a while. They are not that expensive either. My Pilot Metropolitan pen is a $15 pen. Give it a try.
I may just do that!