“Churches are good for prayer, but so are garages and cars and mountains and showers and dance floors.”
Anne Lamott
As the sun moves more to the south it begins to rise between the two buildings on the opposite side of the pond. I like this time of the year when I sit in my wicker rocker and have quiet time before beginning the day. The sunrise adds to the day. I am also grateful I have a warm house to wake in, some people don’t. Hope you have an Awesome Day!
A quiet, peaceful, and beautiful time of day. Great image.
Monte Stevens
Thanks. I headed out for a walk to one of my favorite coffee shops just after taking pressing the shutter. It was a brisk 34 degrees.
Tom Dills
After the bathroom shot I was going to commend you for truly taking your camera “everywhere” but you spoiled it when you said you had taken this photo from your chair.
We are back to reality today, at 29 this morning.
Monte Stevens
We are at 32 this morning and rain/snow mix this afternoon. It is dark and grey, looks like winter. Can’t wait to go to Phoenix next week. No beach but warmth.
We all need our sanctuaries. Sometimes they are physical places, sometimes a simple act we repeat each day or even sometimes a mental state. I like this. Stay warm!
Monte Stevens
I’m a believer in our bodies as sanctuaries, temples, holy places. I regret sometimes not taking better care of my body.