“We don’t change as we get older – we just get to be more of what we’ve always been.”
Joan D. Chittister
The 2-4 inches of snow I expected to wake up to did not materialize. Nary a snowflake. But, we do have the wind and cold. I understand that they do have blizzard conditions on the eastern plains. I am inside listening to the wind and feeling the deep cold. I met some high school classmates for lunch today. Sadly I find two more classmates have died in the past month. Have slippers on and I’m in for the night. Hope you are staying warm and dry.
Faye White
Sorry to hear of your classmates passing. Winter is a cruel season and the onslaught of consumerism this time of year doesn’t help. It’s cold here this morning, 36. That’s cold enough for me. Stay warm, Monte.
Monte Stevens
It’s 22 this morning and overcast skies. I am at that age in life where people in my age are dying. Talking with my dad a couple days ago and at 93 he has outlived all his family and all his classmates. Stay warm my friend!