coffee life,  quotes

…their distinctive humanity

It is not, I think, a question of when and how the white people will “free” the black and the red people. It is a condescension to believe that we have the power to do that. Until we have recognized in them the full strength and grace of their distinctive humanity we will be able to set no one free, for we will not be free ourselves. When we realize that they possess a knowledge for the lack of which we are incomplete and in pain, then the wound in our history will be healed. Then they will simply be free, among us—and so will we, among ourselves for the first time, and among them.

Wendell Berry, The Hidden Wound, 1989

Is his observation accurate? Do we want to see the wound in our history and have it healed? Do we want to be simply free? How deeply ingrained is this wound? These are truly questions each of us must answer individually and live accordingly. May you enjoy your Saturday!!

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku/poetry. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Geri Oster

    In reading these last several posts, Monte, I so appreciate this food for thought and the challenge that it brings me in trying to honestly be heart open to my own ignorance, fear and selfishness. I think that last one is the real issue for me, and perhaps for so many, and the real truth as to why? That grand WHY? It is hard for me not to feel great frustration, and yes, even anger, when I simply can’t understand others’ thoughts and actions when to me they are so obviously hurtful to others and to our planet. Perhaps I understand more than I think, I just can’t accept it as true.

    • Monte Stevens

      I do not have the answers, nor do I have the answers for anyone else. I am working on discovering the answers that are within me. I can make assumptions about what others think but I’ve discovered I’m usually wrong. You may have touched on it by admitting your own ignorance, fear and selfishness. When my focus is on me and not the world around me, I’m in deep trouble. How I live my life in a way that is nurturing to all of creation is my present goal and that is based in love!! I hope all is well with you two!! And, if you come up with more questions, pass them along.