This bush seemed to be moving when I walked by it. Upon a closer look I discovered it was covered in milkweed bugs. There may have been a hundred scattered throughout the bush and just his bush. I looked closer and what do my eyes see? They are all mating. It’s an orgy! Disgusting! So, I watched for a while. Had to chuckle as I imagined one of them sending out a text message earlier. “Hey we’re all meeting at the sixth bush from the lookout on the Cathy Fromme trailhead at 6:00 pm. Be there or be square.” Looks like they all showed up.
Cedric Canard
“It’s an orgy! Disgusting! So, I watched for a while.” … You old perv
Sorry, that was rude of me. You’re not old Monte.
Monte Stevens
Apology accepted. I’m not old!
Tom Dills
Hmmmm. Kids.
Monte Stevens
Looked like there was no supervision.
Monte Stevens
It was also very strange that they were only in this bush. There were several other bushes of this type all around but the party wasn’t happening in them.
Well, they gotta make more milkweed bugs somehow and they don’t have a laboratory, so gotta do it the old fashioned way. Now, as for stopping and watching that’s one thing, but taking pictures? Oh! I just can’t believe it.