Unlike humans who incessantly worry about how they look, Canada Geese don’t. Nor do they have a mirror to look into and judge how they look. They are who they are. Wonder, what would it be like if we did not have mirrors to judge and compare ourselves to others? What would people think if I had chocolate on my face or spaghetti sauce or grass? I’m learning to be who I am. Hope you’re having a good day!
Tom Dills
I wouldn’t be too surprised to see you with chocolate or spaghetti sauce on your face, but would be a little concerned about grass.
Have a great day, and watch out for goose poop!
Monte Stevens
Okay, so the grass was going a little overboard!!! Chocolate, spot on.
Oh, I don’t know, Monte; I think many humans don’t worry about how they look these days. A quick trip to a local Walmart or grocery store will often find those in their PJs with bedhead or perhaps with their ample butt-cheeks hanging out of much too short of shorts, to name a few examples. I’m old enough to remember when people used to wear their best when going out in public. A quick view of any public gathering here in America will convince you those days are over. Is this good or bad? I guess there are arguments either way.
Monte Stevens
I just wonder how many dress like that just so they can draw attention. And, how many will check the mirror before heading out the door so they know how outrageous they look.
Tom Dills
That’s quite a visual, Earl. But unfortunately very true! Yikes!
It’s all part of the mating ritual, isn’t it?
Monte Stevens
Great point, Joe! She was staying rather close to him.