I seldom saw rabbits around my condo when I moved in over 20 years ago. But, over the past couple of years we’ve started to see more of them. My guess is the overgrowth of trees and shrubs around the holding ponds now provides a good habitat for them. They do not play loud music, take up a parking spot, throw wild parties, raise hell or smoke. Nor do I have a vegetable or flower garden to defend from them. They’re good neighbors and I like having them as neighbors. And, Happy June 1st!
There’s a wide selection of wildlife in our backyard, including rabbits I’ve seen often chasing each other across the grass. I guess there may soon be little rabbits if one of them gets caught. 😉
Monte Stevens
Way too funny, my friend! But you may be spot on. I enjoy them but for those who are gardeners may not feel the same. And, they make decent portraits! Enjoy your Friday!
We have a groundhog that lives under our shed and we’ve named him Gus. He comes out in the morning and evening to munch on whatever greens he finds in our lawn. I hope he sticks around.
Monte Stevens
Yes, it’s good to have neighbors like that around. I hope they stay around also.