I’ve read where we should never place the subject in the middle of an image because placing the subjects off-center yields a stronger, more natural-looking composition and allows us to make creative use of negative space. Well I do did will break that composition rule technique. I’ve also read that we should not should on ourselves, so I suppose I should stop that.
The top image is predawn light over Dixon Reservoir taken at 5:49 am and the second image was taken seven minutes later at 5:56 am about 40 feet from the first one. Again, showing us how nature continuously creates. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Tom Dills
Rules, schmules. Sometimes it’s even okay to put the horizon in the center of the frame. But you knew that.
Monte Stevens
We must go with our intuition, that feeling inside. I feel I’m learning to live life more like that.
I think if you are going with your intuition vs. forcing something to be somewhere “just because”, you are bound to be right. It’s fine to explore the “rules” to see if it is an option you like better, and if not, go back to your gut. I don’t find either of these centered or static for that matter. Both are nicely composed and capture the spirit of the moment.
Monte Stevens
And, with the digital age we can shoot and toss those that do not fit out gut when back home. Thanks, Mark and hope you have a great day.