My online journal where I share my interests in photography, nature, coffee life, journaling, fountain pens, bicycling, spirituality and asking deep questions.
That is also one of the interesting things I like about quotes or comments that confuse me or make no sense. I then, not out of necessity, like to dwell on it. Maybe I can gain something from it. If not I just move on. You’ve done that with me from the thought provoking posts you have given us. I love it!
Steve Skinner
A sign that summer will soon be behind us.
Monte Stevens
Very true!
Cedric Canard
I don’t get the quote but the photo is beautiful and emotive. Contemplative even.
Monte Stevens
I’m one of the emotional people who has wept in both prayer and meditation when moved to a deeper experience of life.
Cedric Canard
Coming from you Monte I get it and I can appreciate it. Coming from a Buddhist, well, I’m not sure what it could mean from that context.
Monte Stevens
That is also one of the interesting things I like about quotes or comments that confuse me or make no sense. I then, not out of necessity, like to dwell on it. Maybe I can gain something from it. If not I just move on. You’ve done that with me from the thought provoking posts you have given us. I love it!