After the nice rain yesterday afternoon I ventured out to Prospect Ponds to check out the clouds. Pulled up in the parking lot and was met with a double rainbow in the east. I stayed a while and walked among the ponds. Watching a young man teaching his girlfriend how to fly fish. Listened to the red-winged blackbirds and watched them catching insects in flight. And, of course fought a useless battle with the mosquitos. I stood ready as storm clouds were building up against the western horizon offering the beauty of nature painting on it’s delightful canvas sky.

Great catch on that double rainbow…beautiful area too, Monte.
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Earl. As soon I stepped from my car it greeted me.. I really ought to visit this area more often.
Really nice! Colorado has such amazing skies – and great open spaces to take them in.
Monte Stevens
I agree the skies keep me rooted her. I also think Wyoming, Montana, South Dakota and North Dakota offer some amazing skies, also.
Understandable. My local area, at least within an hour’s drive radius has nothing so open.
Monte Stevens
I’ve seen your images of the lakes and that is where you find the open areas. Kinda difficult to talk towards them unless it’s winter.