… here in Colorado. They are forecasting temperatures not to rise above 32 degrees F until Saturday. Night time temperatures down around zero. I saw this scene as I headed for the coffee shop. It does not totally depict just how cold it felt. However, Colorado winters have a plus side in that the sun will melt the snow and ice even when we are below freezing temperatures. Stay warm!
Steve Skinner
We went to Portaland yesterday to visit friends and it snowed most of the way there. The highway was very slick!
Monte Stevens
Snow is rare for you guys. Glad you made it safely.
We’ve gone from running out A/C yesterday to probably running out furnace tonight and both days we were in southern LA. Can’t even pretend to understand the weather these days. At least, the cold you’re experiencing is kinda expected for a late December. Stay warm, Monte.
Monte Stevens
It was a toasty 8 degrees this morning.
And, this is not that unusual for us out here. I think because I’m getting older it’s more difficult to take. I’m all bundled up this morning and now have my latte in hand. All is good!
Tom Dills
I don’t know, Monte. That photo looks quite cold to me! Love the combination of blue snow and golden sunlight. I always forget what those grasses are called, but they look great in the fall and winter, especially with snow on them. Stay warm!
Monte Stevens
I just had to stop and shoot a few images of this scene. I came home with what I wanted. Maybe a better startburst but no matter where I moved I could not get one. When you see the blue, you know it’s cold.