The Variegated Fritillary are found in open sunny areas such as prairies, fields, pastures, road edges, landfills. They feed on the nectar from several plant species including butterfly weed, common milkweed, dogbane, peppermint, red clover, swamp milkweed, and tickseed sunflower. The Environmental Learning Center provides both those needs. I’m no longer one to go for a walk in the nature areas as I tend to meander through them. Way too much to miss if I just walk.
Nice one, Monte. Is that butterfly otherwise known as a Monarch. Looks like one…
Monte Stevens
I had to look it up and the Monarch has black lines rather than black spots. Looks like they have the same shape of wings, though.
Meandering is my favorite form of locomotion, as long as I’m not in NYC!
Monte Stevens
They have no idea what “Meandering” is in NYC. What a wonderful thing it is, too.
Tom Dills
Meandering, also known as “piddling” in my house. I think you made up that butterfly name, though.
Monte Stevens
I’m not completely sure it that’s what this guy is but it’s as close as I could come. And, it’s hard to say. My parents used that phrase when I was younger but it’s been few years since I’ve heard it.