May the light of your soul guide you; May the light of your soul bless the work you do with the secret love and warmth of your heart; May you see in what you do the beauty of your own soul; May the sacredness of your work bring healing, light and renewal to those who work with you and to those who see and receive your work; May your work never weary you; May it release within you wellsprings of refreshment, inspiration and excitement…
John O’Donohue
My coffee life this morning had a special perk to it. I was pleased to see Emma at the coffee shop when I arrived. Let me tell you about it. So Adriana, in the background, is one of the current baristas, a full time student at CSU and a manager at Mugs. Emma, in the foreground, worked at Mugs for many years while a student at CSU. She now lives in Massachusetts after graduation and is in town for a visit. These two were roommates for several years and two of the most beautiful people on the earth. They both have made a lot of my mornings better by their presence, offering their smiles, their morning greetings and making my mocha lattes. My life has been enriched because of the gifts they are and I believe the world is richer because of their presence. Even though I am much older, they inspire me through the lives they live! I also consider them adopted granddaughters. They are at the top of my gratitude list! Even though I knew Emma was going to be here, it was still a wonderful surprise to see her. I’m still smiling!
Two quotes came to mind when I looked at the photo of Adrianna and Emma and read your words:
“A portrait is not made in the camera but on either side of it.” – Richard Avedon; and
“It’s important to photograph people in a way that honors their individuality.” – David Bailey.
Both of these quotes have been honored in this case. I believe that part of the beauty and energy reflected in their eyes and smiles comes from the person behind the camera. This is a lovely tribute to both them and you. Thanks for sharing this.
Monte Stevens
Thank, my friend! These two young ladies are awesome and I am blessed to know them. Thank you, also, for both quotes. My wish is that this image presents who they authentically are. I love them both!
Tom Dills
My theory is that wonderful people seem to relate to wonderful people. That you have a wonderful circle of friends and acquaintances says a lot about you, I’d say.
Nothing wrong with having “adopted” kids and grandkids. We’ve got a few of our own, and it is a privilege!
Monte Stevens
Thank you, Tom! I do have a wonderful circle of friends of all ages and backgrounds.
Adriana Dieter
Hello Monte! There are simply no words to describe the gratitude you fill so many hearts with each day. I am constantly reminded how lucky I am to have such an amazing community around me! Even the smallest, mundane moments are full of reasons to be grateful, and today I am so grateful for the friends(and grandpas) I’ve found at Mugs
thank you for the beautiful words.
Monte Stevens
And, thank you, Adriana. I agree sometimes there simply are no words to describe emotions, feelings and relationships. They seem to need loved only. Thank you again for being a part of my life! And, I see I misspelled your name.
What a great way to start the day with those smiles.
Monte Stevens
You are absolutely right, Mark. Hope you are staying warm!!
It’s difficult- and getting colder.
Very cool, Monte..
Monte Stevens
Yep, very cool!