Our body language, posture and facial expressions say a lot. They can speak loudly or softly. Through observations we make assessments about a person’s mood or situation. As I left a local coffeehouse I noticed this couples hands. Their backs were to me so I could not see their faces, only the hands. My focus was pulled to the message of their hands as part of their conversation. It’s always a risk when asking people if you can take their photo and not just because you may be told no. We take the risk of interrupting a serious conversation or situation. Her touch suggested the need to comfort, to encourage or persuade. But, I took the risk and interrupted. After asking they admitted it was serious mood. Oops!
I explained what I observed in the language of their hands and wanted to photograph their hands. They were intrigued about the X-E1, thinking I was shooting film. After a short conversation they agreed to let me take an image. One shot was all I needed. I showed them the image and told them I would probably convert it to black and white. He suggested I make it sepia and so I did. We talked briefly about the camera and then I quickly left so they could finish the conversation. As I left I noticed they were still touching.
Tom Dills
Very nice story, Monte. It’s always interesting to speculate on the emotions and moods of others. As you observed, there was definitely emotion involved but you didn’t know what. There is always a risk with interruption, but it’s impossible to know. You were obviously compelled enough by the scene to stop and respond, and fortunately they agreed with your request. That we may never know the contents of the conversation or the eventual outcome is one of the great mysteries of this life we lead.
Monte Stevens
You are so right, Tom. Thanks!