Have been under the weather the past 5 days. Started as a sore throat and then a major head cold. I usually pass through colds in 48 hours or less so this is different. My muscles hurt from all the coughing. Any way here is a shot from a week ago when we had some early morning fog. We don’t get fog that often out here so we grab when we can. Even if we have a cold. I also thought a piece of coconut cream pie would help, so I took one before going to bed.
Cedric Canard
Nice moody shot Monte. Get better soon so you can show us more of those X-E1 shots
Monte Stevens
Thank you Cedirc. I am still hacking and coughing after 11 days of this stuff. That’s one reason I have not been responding to comments.
Mary Ann
Feel better–another piece of pie should do it! Mary Ann
Monte Stevens
I tried another piece but alas the cough is still with me. Again, it’s good to see you on here.
Bob Dein
Heal Thyself, stay safe.
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Bob, as I am getting better but slowly. Colds don’t normally get me down like this one.
Chris Klug
hang in there, I need to hear about your Fuji experiences!
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Chris. Feeling like this has cut into experiencing the X-E1. Not out there as much.
Tom Dills
I prescribe some Bourbon and tea for your ailments, Monte.
This is a very nice photo, I like it a lot. Feel better soon!
Monte Stevens
Thankfully, I put the bottle down a few years ago and haven’t picked it up since. However, I have tried the tea and honey.