I’ve watched this dog sit patiently as the owner stops in to get her coffee. Well this morning I approached the owner and asked if I could take a photo of her patient dog.it seems this dog waits in almost this same position each morning. The head is supported on the window with little movement while the eyes scan from side to side. No barking. It’s like there is a trust and belief she will return very shortly. So, I’ll just wait.
Nice shot Monte. How did the owner respond when you asked permission?
Monte Stevens
She responded well. Pets to many owners are like their children and we love to show off our children. She has one of my cards so she can check it out.
This is our son’s dog Melo, and yes, we love him as another child! He is a “miracle” survivor of a medical emergency and truly a very special animal. (Raintree Animal Hospital).
Monte Stevens
I felt a bit embarrassed as I left yesterday morning and never asked for the dogs name or yours. I have been intrigued by his patience to sit and wait until I could not stand it any longer and had to ask for a photo. Thank you!
Matt the Brisbane Photographer
What a cute dog! Looks like he is just waiting until someone comes to entertain him. Great shot.
Monte Stevens
I found out more about him since posting the image. He is the survivor of a medical emergency so maybe he has a better perspective of life and therefore more relaxed about life.
And so cute, too.
Monte Stevens
And, he never changes that expression, always with that happy face on.