Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving and overate like I did. I came too from my food coma early this afternoon. After clearing my head and realized how much damage I did yesterday, I knew I needed to walk it off. I drove out to Reservoir Ridge Natural Area for the walk and sunshine. So did half the city. Anyway, I got my walk in and my steps. I cooked two cornish hens for the first time and first time to eat one. Pretty simple actually. I invited my friend Joan over at the last minute and shared one with her. Have a great weekend!
Tom Dills
It’s interesting how we can so easily justify over eating, whether it is a holiday, a stressful time or a celebration (I did it too, so not judging!
). It’s just part of our culture, and as long as we quickly return to normal and hopefully walk off a bunch of it, it’s perfectly OK.
I think I’ve had cornish hen but not sure we’ve ever cooked it. I can’t imagine it being a lot different from a chicken or turkey and just as good. Glad you enjoyed it and had someone to share with!
Monte Stevens
I believe you’re right in that justifying ourselves has cause a lot of pain and suffering in our personal lives and the world. Every war, resentment, act or word of vengeance, and the list could go on, is primarily rooted in justification. I believe walking does help in my physical health but it also helps in my spiritual health when used with meditation. Enjoy the weekend.