As I walked into Starry Night Espresso Cafe this morning I realized I was the only male among about 10 women. I could tell there were some good conversations all around me, the din was up and a few hands were waving in the air in an attempt to help in each conversation. I had to ask Chelsea if I was allowed in there or was it a girls only Saturday. She laughed then made up this mocha latte for me showing her skill in latte art. By the time I left an hour and a half later there was standing room only. Don’t know that I’ve seen it that busy as the baristas were bustin butt making drinks and food. When I return from that busy morning at the coffee shop there was an added sense of quiet and appreciation in my condo.
Had my meeting with the TAVR surgeon on Friday and we will be doing a VIV TAVR procedure on March 14th. This will be a less invasive option to open heart surgery where they will insert a catheter in my artery at my groin up to my heart then expand the new valve inside the valve installed four years ago. Glad I have a decision made and consensus that we all agree on.
Faye White
I know it must be a great relief to finally have a decision; less invasive but certainly no walk in the park.
That’s funny about the crowded coffee shop. I guess everyone was ready to get out of the house.
Monte Stevens
Yes, no walk in the park. Maybe a week after the procedure. Yes, the coffee shop was busy as people were ready to get outside the house. I normally am there around 7:00 am when they open so I don’t see this crowd. Hope you are having good Saturday!
Monte, It’s good you’ll not have to wait long for them to do the procedure. I’m sure you’ll be happy when it’s over, and you can get on with things.
So, you were the only male among ten women; you’re heading back there next Saturday, right? LOL
Monte Stevens
Yes, it was all good newsfor me. Still some fear inside but also some trust.
Yes, next Saturday for sure!
Geri Oster
Monte, I just really enjoy the latte art-it really is amazing. It reminds me of many joyous moments at little coffee shops across the west as I traveled by train just for the adventure of it many years ago. So glad you have a good decision. God’s got you, all will be well.
Monte Stevens
Thanks Geri. I’m glad a decision is made, also!
I also have enjoyed the experience of traveling with an eye open to some small local coffee shop to venture into. I did a lot of this when I worked as a flight attendant and had overnights where I could leave the next day at noon orr later. Mornings were spent searching for this coffee shops.
Tom Dills
Good to know you have reached a conclusion and have a time frame. It will be hard to wait, but you’ll have a shorter recovery so that should help get you back to action. It’s amazing to even consider what modern medicine is capable of. I can’t imagine how it will work, but glad the TAVR is a viable option for you!
I had a couple of Lattes on our recent cruise, but they weren’t as pretty as yours! And no, I didn’t buy one of those “French” pens I asked you about….
Monte Stevens
I’m hoping all goes as planned and expected. Looking forward to an easier recovery than four years ago. Some fountain pens are too expensive, yet people buy them
I know just one part of the process is down, but seems like a good decision from afar. From your post it seems like you might hope to have a quieter visit to the shop next time.
Monte Stevens
Yes, it is just one part of the process that requires one step then another. I spend a lot of time in silence so any of these sort of places can pull a lot of energy from me.
I am the same way Monte. Very sensitive to noisy environments – to the point where I have to get up and leave a few times.
Monte Stevens
I hear that more than you would expect. Strange that when younger I listened to loud music too loud. Now the silence is music to my ears and soul. I have asked coffee shops if they could lower the volume, and sometimes having to repeat it because they could not hear me ask. I, too, have got up and left due to the noise. Life is to precious to stay there and put up with it.