“Like my father, I believe that nonviolence is the antidote to what he called ‘the triple evils of racism, poverty and militarism.’ These three evils were consuming our hopes for community in 1964, and, fifty years later, we remain divided because of their festering effects.” Bernice King
A troubling time for me. Awoke around 3:00 am with distressing thoughts and images running through my head. I have never felt such anxiety in our society, and the world, as I do now. We have those who seem focused on using violence as a solution to quell the voice of people. Haven’t we proven violence is not the solution. Let’s focus on the welfare of people rather than warfare on people.
Tom Dills
Racism, poverty and militarism….sounds like the Republican party platform. 🙁 We can only hope this country wakes up to purge the bums from the White House. Hang in there!
Monte Stevens
Well, I know how you and I will be voting. I feel we need world, religious and corporate leaders who care about people, serving them rather than dominating them.