“I don’t have a philosophy. I have a camera. I look into the camera and take pictures. My photographs are the tiniest part of what I see that could be photographed. They are fragments of endless possibilities.”
Saul Leiter
Fort Collins Natural Areas have become the place for me to go. I started going primarily because the coffee shops were not allowing dining in due to state mandates. So in March of 2020 I began making coffee at home and going to Pineridge Natural Area to journal, read, connect with nature and get in a walk. My first explorations of Pineridge were made in 2014 but then lost touch with it until March. Then in June of 2020 I discovered Reservoir Ridge which is only about 4 miles away. When I look at my archives there are twice as many images at Reservoir Ridge than Pineridge while only exploring it in half the time. I seem to be drawn to it in a more photographic way.
For the past 5 months I’m out to Reservoir Ridge at least once a week. Yet, this past week was the first time I saw this old water pump, I mean really saw it. It sits along an irrigation ditch and a row of trees so I’ve seen it many times, but never really saw it. As soon as I saw the pump this past week something in my mind kicked in, I really saw it and envisioned the above image. I walked out there to it and accepted the gift. So, I wonder what else I’ve not seen out there. I’ll keep you posted.
Love this old pump. Is it rusted? You know I’d want to get some macro shots.
Monte Stevens
Actually it’s not rusted and I think is rather new. I no longer have a macro lens and sometimes miss not having one. You do so lets see some images. Hinting!!
It was mighty nice of the sun to align up like that.
Well done! I believe that’s actually an outdoor water spigot that has an underground valve to prevent freezing. You see a lot of them in newer or renovated RV parks. When turned off, they drain all the water from the pipe extending above ground, so they don’t freeze as easily. Haha, and that’s today’s handyman tip.
I have to say, Monte, I’ve been enjoying your natural area photos. I look forward to those other things you haven’t seen.
Monte Stevens
Had an email this morning from WordPress asking me to approve a comment by by some dude named Eark. Started my day off with a laugh. Thanks!
You’re correct about the spigot. It is part of the farmers irrigation of the field of hay within the natural area. I imagine you do see them in RV parks. They are designed along the same as fire hydrants. I am glad you are enjoying my photos of the natural areas. Seems to be my focus anymore. We’ll see what I find.
Tom Dills
Now we know why “Eark” is posting about needing a new keyboard!
I love how repeated visits to a place often reveal things previously not seen. It’s a reminder to keep returning and to keep looking.
Monte Stevens
Totally. I read somewhere that we always need to stop and turn around just to see from a different place.
Dang keyboords, anyway!