National Parks,  quotes,  Rocky Mountain National Park

When will it end?

The peace and calm of Sprague Lake

“One thing I have felt confident about for a good portion of my life is that it is mainly on the surface that we are different. We are not nearly as separate as we sometimes feel ourselves to be. Underneath our supposed differences we experience many similar emotions, longings, hopes, and dreams. The cosmic dance goes on in each and every one. It is the externals of appearance in behavior that divert our attention from the inner radiance and dynamic goodness within every being.”

Joyce Rupp

I feel sadness, anger, even rage, due to the insanity of political powers who are steeped in their own fears, hatred and insecurities, while continuing to believe the lie that violence will bring peace. Insanity. Man has proved for thousands of years that violence does not bring peace, whether that’s a fist fight on the school playground or dropping bombs on innocent people. It only increases our suffering. Insanity. I believe Joyce Rupp is spot on when she writes, “Underneath our supposed differences we experience many similar emotions, longings, hopes, and dreams.” We are more alike than different.

Our world seems quite insane at the moment. According to this report, in the past seven months an estimated 35,000 people have been killed in Gaza.  They are also estimating about 52% of those killed have been women and children. Insanity. And, that my friends, is a lot of emotions, longings, hopes, and dreams that will never be fulfilled. How can we possibly believe there will be peace when that kind of thinking only brings more resentment, hatred and violence? Insanity. Meanwhile over in Ukraine, the death toll of Russian soldiers is estimated higher than 50,000. And, Ukraine said in February that it had lost 31,000 soldiers. Insanity. According to the Geneva Academy more than 45 armed conflicts are currently taking place throughout the Middle East and North Africa. Africa has more than 35 armed conflicts taking place. Asia has 19 armed conflicts. Europe has seven armed conflicts at this time. And, six armed conflicts are taking place in Latin America. All of this is Insanity at its highest level. When will it end? And, this insanity is alive and well within our country.

Well, what if we shower them (and all of creation) with kindness, hope and love instead of hatred, fear and bombs. And, what if we embraced a spirit of forgiveness. What if we embrace our innate courage to look at “the inner radiance and dynamic goodness within every being”, including ourselves, rather than outward appearances. What if we enter into an open dialogue with a focus on understanding one another? Are we willing to believe there can be change or are we to continue living with this insanity? I’m willing to believe we can make that change!

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Tom Dills

    First of all, beautiful photo. It echoes your message nicely.

    While I agree that we humans all have and experience “many similar emotions, longings, hopes, and dreams” it’s how we choose to channel those things that makes us different. And those things are not always channeled for good. We have a world economy that profits from war, a healthcare system that profits from curing disease caused by famine, crappy food and bad habits, and a political system that has become so corrupted we lie, cheat and steal to gain office.

    I share your hope but perhaps not your optimism. The best we can do is shower our own world with “kindness, hope and love” in order to make our own corner of the universe a little more pleasant place.

    • Monte Stevens

      Thanks, Tom! Your comment “how we choose to channel those things that makes us different” is something for me to ponder. Are two people innately different because one likes red wine and one likes white wine or is that a “supposed difference?” Seems the differences more about how we think, how we see ourselves (this is a biggie), how we see others, how we believe others see us and how we interact with others? It seems most differences are in our mind. I have discovered in my life I see differences when I’m focused on myself rather than having any interest in learning how others are. Again thanks for your comments and your reflections. I like it when I’m given seeds of more questions to dwell on. Like you, I also believe the best we can do is shower our own world with “kindness, hope and love,” knowing it spreads from there.

  • Earl

    I also feel sadness and anger so much these days, Monte. While there may be common wants, needs, and emotions (fear, etc.), frustration, greed (money and/or power), and ignorance often make it seem easier to strike out than to reason and compromise. Not to be a “Debie Downer,” but I’m afraid it will get worse before it gets better. I hope I’m wrong, but with accelerating climate change, there will be unsettling shifts in population, governments, and social norms, as well as perhaps a scarcity of resources in some cases, IMHO.

    But that’s not to say there aren’t or won’t be examples of kindness, love and caring. Sadly, most mainstream news media are geared toward up-to-the-minute hot topics, and they no longer have the resources or the will to “do the work” it takes to present a complete, thoughtful, and unbiased presentation of a long-term event. After being splashed across the headlines for a day or two, stories fall off the hotlist to never be heard again.

    My sanity demands a limited intake of most news media these days. I could definitely spend some time sitting on the shore of Sprague Lake—it’s beautiful!

    • Monte Stevens

      Thanks, Earle. Please don’t fret about being a “Debie Downer” because things getting worse before they get better may be the only path for change. Most of my changes, big and small, have come through my pain and suffering, which always includes others suffering too. I’m happy to say I also see examples of kindness, love and caring action on a regular basis. You bring up a good point about the news media. Because my sanity also demands a limited intake of most news media. My sanity also includes time in nature like sitting on the shore of Sprague Lake as well as my natural areas! My sanity also includes quiet, journaling, silence and solitude.

    • Mark

      My wife and I watch 60 Minutes on a regular basis. It is about the only program worthy of calling journalism now it seems.

      I like the sentiment of kindness, hope, etc – but sorry to say, I do not think humans as a species are capable of such in such a grand manner to minimize such tragic things that are going on right now. But then, such conflicts have been going on since humans have been on the planet.

      • Monte Stevens

        Thanks, Mark! I used to watch 60 Minutes but that was probably 30 years ago and because it was journalism. Did not know it was still on.

        If society never changes our old way of thinking and reacting then we will continue on as normal and allow those tragic things committed by man to continue. Any change must happen within each of us, and those seeds are already germinating in many people. Awareness and just talking about it hasn’t brought on the changes, primarily because we avoid the conversation. What if each of us said, “An alternative way needs to be taken for peace and why not begin with me?” As I reread my post and the comments I wish I had given this a different title, When will it begin? Thanks for your share!!!!

  • Faye White

    Some of us are fortunate enough to be able to look away from the atrocities happening in the world today, to gaze at a beautiful scene and forget for a few minutes. We keep our sanity safe, for a while. I don’t have the answer. I can only try to practice kindness, compassion, and empathy in my small corner of the world.

    “You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know.” -William Wilberforce

    • Monte Stevens

      Thanks, Faye! Your comment makes me aware of how easily I turn away from the atrocities happening in the world today, or avoid eye contact with a homeless person, or drive my car when I could have taken the bus, and throw away food while children die of starvation. I’m asking myself if I subconsciously knew this posting would be a risk for me because of the ideas everyone is offering and what they would stir within me. Some comments have been challenging me and my views, my indifference on issues and the awareness of my need to dialogue more. It’s important for all of us to let go of having it my way and accept we need for it to be about our way. I also need to move away from the opinion that not everyone will be willing. Thank you so much for sharing!!