I discovered this unwanted visitor near my front door. I would say she is about 3/4 inch long. Even at that length they are a danger and creepy. I was able to get a few photos before I quickly ended her life. Of course this caused me to do some research on these creatures of darkness and myth. They belong to a group known as cobweb spiders. Black widows get their common name from the popular belief that the female eats the male after mating, a phenomenon which rarely happens in nature. I’m sure that’s reassuring for any male black widow spider. Black widow venom is reported to be 15 times stronger than a rattlesnake’s, but because spiders deliver far less venom than snakes do, their bites — though painful — are a serious risk only to the very young and the very old. I place myself in the old category. Although I do not like spiders, I do not bother them, seldom killing them and aware they are a part of this world. They have a role of predator as well as prey. I did not like the fact that this gal was at my front door so that’s why I killed her. Then after I killed her my mind began to wonder: Where are the others? Did they see me kill her? Will they want revenge? Creepy to me!
In the 40+ years at my house in Georgia, I only saw one of these. Like you, I took a photo and then executed it. I’m sure there must have been others, but they stayed out of my view. There was a time when we first moved in, that I found a scorpion INSIDE the house. That was creepy!
Monte Stevens
Wow, I didn’t know they had scorpions in Georgia. My father had one sting him when he was moving some of his carving wood while they lived in Phoenix. The effects were not bad for him. I do not to share my living quarters with wither one of them.
They do want revenge, Monte. Time to watch Arachnapobia.
Monte Stevens
I don’t think so, Joe! I can think of much better ways to spend my money and time than watching a movie that makes me pee my pants.
I think Joe might be right Monte. I’d keep one eye open while you sleep.
Monte Stevens
Tom Dills
Wow, Monte. First rattlesnakes, then black widow spiders! What’s next….? Sheesh!
If the bugs are inside and harmless I usually try to relocate them. If they are outside they are on their own unless they get into the screened porch. I don’t tell Kathy about the snake skins I find.
Monte Stevens
It’s our secret!