This is not a camera review. I’m just going to tell you what I like and don’t like about the X-E1.
My first comment is about the image quality. I am amazed at the image quality of the X-E1, it is outstanding. The quality of the sensor and the kit lens can make me a better photographer only because it will ask me to work on what I see and how I compose. So far I’ve only shot jpeg so I have no idea what a raw file will give me. I did shoot one raw file and was amazed a it’s size, 16 meg.
This is my first rangefinder camera so I have had to adjust to the feel of the camera and how it handles. I enjoy it’s smaller form making it comfortable to carry around my neck, not as intrusive when pointing at people. and, I personally think it looks cool. I like having the aperture ring and zoom ring on the lens, rather than buttons on the body. Reminds me of my Nikon FE2 days. More to come.
Monte, first I love the detail of this stair rail’s design and your capture of it.
One of the things I enjoy about new camera equipment is it gives opportunities to explore and question our assumptions about things, just by the equipments newness. At least that’s the excuse I’ve used in the pass to partly justify a purchase.
I’m glad you’re enjoying the experience and letting us enjoy the results (photos.)
Monte Stevens
I like your excuse, Earl! Thanks!
Tom Dills
You mentioned in a reply to a comment on an earlier post about the fact that you are not a reviewer. That’s what makes your opinion even more valuable, as far as I’m concerned. Your opinion as a photographer is what I value, not the usual reviewer minutia.
You have already posted a few images from this camera, as well as this one. These photos and your accompanying comments are an indication of how well you are liking the camera. I agree with Earl, that just the act of working with new equipment makes us more cognizant of our work, and that often results in new or at least better ways of seeing things we have looked at before.
I also very much like this photo, regardless of which camera it came from!
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Tom. I will be writing more about the camera as I move along with it.
Ray K
I switched to the Fuji X system when they first came out and suffered thru waiting on each and every update to the firmware. I am totally sold on the system and have the top 3 of the latest models. Used them on most of the stories I have shot for the last couple years. The only time a DSLR is used anymore is for studio work.
Stick with getting the camera and I think you will find your work changes a bit. Let me know via email if you run into anything you can’t find online with problems or need to know if it works. You just did your back a huge favor.
Monte Stevens
Thanks, Ray. I know there are several people enjoying them. I also read good things about them which was a major factor in the purchase of the X-E1. I will shout at you for advice or information when I come across something new. Last week while out with my crew for dinner they asked me to take a photo and I could not get my flash to fire. After searching on line I discovered that the flash turns off when we have the X-E1 in Silent Mode. I’ve now learned how to use the DISP button to switch the Silent Mode on and off. Lesson learned and more to come.
Very interesting, Monte. A new camera, it seems, always gives us incentive to get out and take a few more photos. I like that. I’m still waiting for my new toy to come into stock and get shipped to me. The Olympus OM-D, E-M1. It’s been out of stock for quite a while, but I suppose it will show up one day. I like the fact that it is weather-sealed, the only other thing that I wanted for my camera. Stay tuned.
Monte Stevens
I think you will like the E-M1 as it will fit your arsenal and your familiar with it. Let’s see what these new “toys” bring our way.
It came today.
Stay tuned.
Monte Stevens
We’re like little children, all excited. Now go have fun and don’t forget to read the dang manual.
What?! It comes with a manual???
Monte Stevens
Well, I could be wrong. Heck, you should be able to read it in two languages.
Chris Klug
As you know, right now I *only* shoot JPEG with it, and I’m entirely happy with that idea. I am going to try a couple of ‘third-world’ RAW processors (owing to the fact that it seems like Lightroom still doesn’t quite deliver all the potential the sensor can deliver). I can’t wait until I hear what you don’t like… Like Ray, I still love the camera.