A cold front has moved in and brought much-needed moisture but also cold temperatures. The rain began yesterday afternoon then became a mix of rain and snow. Some periods were just snow as you can see in the above image taken from my porch around 4:30 pm. All is well this morning as the snow accumulation was no more than a dusting. But now we live with the cold for the next 36 hours. I’m hoping the mountains received a lot more snow.
Nice shot. I love the snow fall when there are still green.
The weather is certainly crazy these days. Bonnie and I were talking the other day how it’s made our travel planning a bit harder because we can no longer trust the weather patterns of the past. For example, use to be tornado alley in the spring was fairly well defined but these days heavy thunderstorms, strong winds and tornados can happen almost anywhere, anytime.
Monte Stevens
I can relate. I just heard about the 12 inches of snow they had in the Oklahoma panhandle a couple days ago. Unheard of. I bet it is an iffy task to schedule and plan according to expected or forecasted weather. The last thing you want is storm damage to the RV.
Tom Dills
Sheesh, Monte. Just when you think you’re done with winter….
Monte Stevens
It was not too bad. This was as about as bad as it got. But, we did have two pretty cold nights below freezing. FurnaceS were on.:-)
Vibrant spring greens and snow white – always a fashion mistake.
Monte Stevens
Yes, the colors look good!