“A tulip doesn’t strive to impress anyone. It doesn’t struggle to be different than a rose. It doesn’t have to. It is different. And there’s room in the garden for every flower. You didn’t have to struggle to make your face different than anyone else’s on earth. It just is. You are unique because you were created that way. Look at little children in kindergarten. They’re all different without trying to be. As long as they’re unselfconsciously being themselves, they can’t help but shine. It’s only later, when children are taught to compete, to strive to be better than others, that their natural light becomes distorted.” ― Marianne Williamson
Tom Dills
You’ve got a bit of a patriotic theme going there too. Great quote, really appreciate the idea of remembering to be ourselves and not our idea of someone else’s vision of ourselves (I think I said that right!
Monte Stevens
Yes, I noticed the Patriotic colors but only after I had it on the computer. I intended to include all the flowers but just missed the color schemes.