… the truth is that we simply don’t know — we don’t know where life ultimately leads, we don’t know what we want or what to want, and we don’t really know ourselves.
Maria Popova
I’ve mentioned before my belief of how little I think I think I know. Yet there are times when some sense of knowing does rise within me. This knowing is not about having an answer or solution to a problem. It’s a knowing that somehow changes my perspective on life, this world, people, and myself. I find this knowing to be one of the adventures in life, a place of growth. I am slowly learning small bits of who I’m not and who I’m becoming.
Good quote. Since we all end up with the same final fate, the journey to discover someone we enjoy, respect and love in ourselves is paramount, and that journey continues until that last breath. Another lovely early morning photo, Monte!
Monte Stevens
There was a time a few years ago when I did not enjoy, respect or love myself. So, thank you for reminding me of that and this journey we all travel. Thanks, my friend!
Beautiful twilight photo, I love the pleasing blue and lavender tones.
I also like the quote. It is certainly a path of discovery for sure. While there is an enormous amount that I do not know, and often frustrates me, I can still recognize a dumbass now and then and rejoice I am at least not there.
Monte Stevens
Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment, Mark. I also rejoice that I am not like some people. In fact it just may be our strength as a human race lies in our diversity. I learn a lot from those I recognize as a dumbass. Hope you have an enjoyable weekend.