falls morning stroll
leaves wearing coat of frost
winter draws near
We are on the second day of a five day cold stretch. Nighttime temperatures are to be around 20 degrees. The bright side is we’re expecting to have mostly sunny days. The last two days I’ve awoken to the beauty of a frost covered world. A reminder that winter is quickly approaching.
I love your frost-covered leaf photos. We haven’t experienced frost here yet. As a matter of fact, this morning, before 6 am, it was 71ºF and raining. That’s just not right in November! Please send some cooler temperatures our way.
Monte Stevens
It’s 28 degrees this morning so we may have sent you 4 or 5 degrees overnight. I have often asked myself the question, “Why can’t we have frost when it’s 55 degrees?” No answers. Have a wonderful day, my friend
Love this photo Monte. We have had some frosty mornings here, but I haven’t felt up to getting out to photograph it.
Monte Stevens
I know exactly what you’re talking about. I can’t remember the last time I crawled out of a warm bed for a sunrise photo.
Then again, I need to be there so they can touch my soul.