We are travelers on a cosmic journey, stardust, swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal. We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share. This is a precious moment. It is a little parenthesis in eternity.
Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
There are moments throughout my day where I do not feel like it is a precious moment. It feels like a struggle to face the next moment, let alone the one I’m presently in. Yet I find taking a deep breath, saying some form of prayer, even a simple word such as thanks or help, and I can walk through the moment. Even then it may not feel like a precious moment but I believe I lived within the parentheses. How about you?
I understand completely. We can’t control what we will experience in each moment but we can decide how we walk through it. Have a good day, Monte.
Monte Stevens
I believe you are correct, or at least my experience confirms that. The Serenity Prayer says it well, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
After posting this, I realized that it sounded like I know what I’m doing. I do not. 😉
Monte Stevens
You just crushed my bubble because I thought you knew just about everything. You’ve fallen off the pedestal!
There are certainly moments, hours or even days when I feel overwhelmed and uncertain. I wish I could say I grasp upon a positive thought and power through, but often it’s a struggle. Thankfully, which is appropriate on this Thanksgiving day, these moments, hours and days do and have always passed. It’s in knowing ‘this too shall pass’ that I often find comfort.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Monte Stevens
Very true, my friend! As I’ve aged my definition of these moments has changed and my ability to see them has changed. Happy Thanksgiving!