Every once in a while a bad day will raise it’s silly head. Nothing seems to go right. The brain is just not running on all cylinders, randomly sputtering unintelligible words, drawing strange looks from your favorite barista. I’ll give and example. All of a sudden you face a situation where you press the shutter button on your camera and nothing happens. You make a gasp for air as if your life is about to end. Your pulse rate and blood pressure just rocketed. You look at the camera turning it around to see whats wrong and it fires. You let our a sigh of relief as you realized it was on the self-timer mode. A photographer error. Well, I’m here to help with my words of wisdom. There are a couple of things we need to look at on those bad days.
First, check your socks. We are now able to buy socks that are made for right and left feet. They put these little “R’s” and “L’s” on them to help. It is a known fact the day could be off kilter if those socks are on the incorrect feet. You may also notice is a slight limp, unable to keep your balance or walk in a straight line. Check it out. Second, is your shorts. Nothing can mess up the day more than having your shorts inside out. Let me tell you it happens to the best of us. A primary symptom with this is the inability to sit comfortably for any period of time. Or you could have them on backwards. You will have the same symptom with this situation. You may encounter an embarrassing time if standing in front of a public urinal. Now, if you have them both on backwards and inside out you might as well just go back to bed and start all over. Hope this helps the next time you have a bad day.
LOL…I think you may have just made things easier for the rest of us, Monte! I took notes so I’ll know what to check for on my next “bad day.” I hope today is a good one for you.
Monte Stevens
I felt a bit on the strange side when I wrote this post. I hoped it would bring a smile to someone.
Tom Dills
Monte, thank you for those words of wisdom. I need to check my socks as it never occurred to me that they could be messing up the feng shui of my whole existence. I’d hate to think that the last 56 years might have been messed up by bad socks. I’m pretty sure I would know very quickly if I had my shorts on backward though.
You may have discovered a new shooting style though!
Monte Stevens
The shorts are easier to pickup on than the socks. Same impact from both, though. We talk about previsualization and this was one of those times. I was playing around with the camera for a selfie, saw this and put it all together. Hope you’re having a good weekend.
Tom Dills
It also reminds me of the cartoon where Wile E. Coyote fires the cannon at Road Runner and when it doesn’t go off he looks down the barrel! Boom!
Monte Stevens
I remember that.
Steve Skinner
Great advice Monte! The next time something doesn’t feel right, I’ll stop and check it out!
Monte Stevens
Glad I could help.
Cedric Canard
This stuff about shorts could explain the weird looks I get
Nice selfie by the way. You look good in bokeh.
Monte Stevens
Yeah, now ya know!