I remember the cold winter mornings I would cut a slice mom’s homemade bread, toasting it in this exact toaster and smothering it in “real” butter. Well, mom made her homemade bread before we arrived for Thanksgiving. As expected I cut a slice about as thick as it would fit in the toaster and drowned it in butter. I mentioned how impressed I was that the toaster was still working. Dad then informed it was one of their wedding gifts which makes is almost 68 years old. I made toast every morning I was there.
Tom Dills
That toaster has quite a history, Monte. A classic toaster combined with home made bread? I think I also would have made toast every day, possibly for both breakfast and lunch! We gave up on owning toasters a few years ago and now just use the broiler in the oven, but it isn’t quite the same. About the only thing in our kitchen that is that old is an old hand grinder that my grandmother used to grind meat. Probably other stuff too, but I remember it for meat loaf and the occasional bologna salad. I still use it today for that purpose.
Monte Stevens
I love those memories. We each have them and remember them in our own way. My sisters remember certain experiences differently than I do.
And it still has a great mirror shine to it. Yeah, some things just require toast…runny eggs or a good BLT for example. I can only remember one toaster my Mom and Dad ever had…don’t know what happened to it. Good memories, Monte.
Monte Stevens
BLT! Now I’m hungry, Brooks. Unfortunately, too many of those old yet usable appliances have been tossed.