clouds,  landscape,  meditation,  natural areas,  poems,  quotes

You are a light…

Let me honor you today with the respect you deserve.
Let me acknowledge you as a person
Who has worth and value.

Our world would be diminished without you.
Our journey would seem longer.
You bless us with your presence.
You make a difference in our lives.
We need you.

There are many who would stand to say this with me.
You are loved.
I know you well enough to understand
That you do not expect
Or even want to hear this kind of praise.
But I believe the spirit intends every human heart
To hear a simple truth: you are a light others can see.

Steven Charleston

Today would have been my mothers 93rd birthday. I miss your light!

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku/poetry. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Earl

    Parents or children never leave us, as we take their memories everywhere. And if not externally, their light shines internally through us. We send birthday wishes out into the universe.

    The image above is a beautiful, peaceful photo.

    • Monte Stevens

      Well said, my friend, and I believe you are correct. I sent a text message to my dad telling him I missed mom. He responded by saying we all miss her, he was sending me a virtual HUG to help. I burst into tears.