“Seeing is not enough; you have to feel what you photograph.” – Andre Kertesz
Kertesz is not not talking about reaching out and physically getting our hands on a subject but talking about the feelings and emotions within us, that part of us that is human. If he was talking about physically feeling with our hands then many of us would probably be photographing for Playboy. The feelings he suggests are those emotions that move our soul, something deep within us.
Nice quote to think about Monte. Sometimes I find it difficult finding those things that do the stirring inside.
I have a statue of St. Francis like this in my own backyard next to my pond.
Monte Stevens
The stirring part seems to come pretty easy, it’s the staying with it I struggle with.
I found this statue on the property of some friends of mine who live in the foothills. They have some property with a home they built themselves and these little alcoves all over the place. It is a haven for them.
Nice quote, and nice image. But I do like the Playboy idea.
Monte Stevens
I knew someone else would.
Cedric Canard
Yes, well my dream was always National Geographic but Playboy was a close second. Back when I was a young boy, the African articles in NatGeo was our Playboy equivalent
Monte Stevens
LOL I remember those articles in the National Geographic, I never read.